STUDENTS ART WORK link - Oil Painting, Acrylic Painting and Figure Drawing
Creating & learning about art
Why is art important? Art is another means of helping people see and better understand the dynamics of our world and how human consciousness impacts it at every level. The world is open to integration and interpretation more than ever before and the effect that art has on us as individuals and as a society is now reaching beyond the borders of any given culture. Mass communication – via television, the Internet, and cinema, along with cultural syncretism and networking between nations and even continents, has enabled us as human beings to see beyond ourselves and our own boundaries.
My classes enable you to view images from around the world and in a context beyond a textbook. They are designed to intrigue, inspire and engage you in the possibilities through the study of symbolism, multicultural perspectives and the many layers of meaning within the visual dialog. Artists are myth makers and we participate with everyone else in the social construction of reality. Collectively we seek meaning. The complex matrices of beliefs, symbols, and words provide us with individuality and collectively with identity.
COURSE SYLLABUS ~ & Material lists
Art Appreciation - ART 160 - LIQUID SYLLABUS
FALL 2024
Painting Acrylic
Painting 1 Art 147 SYLLABUS
Painting 2 Art 149 SYLLABUS
Painting 3 Art 158
Mural Painting Art 159