Art 148 Oil Painting
Titanium white - 5 oz
Alizarin Crimson - 2 oz
Ultramarine Blue - 2 oz
Transparent red Iron Oxide- 2 oz
Indian Yellow - 2 oz
Napthol Red Light - 2 oz
Yellow Ochre - 2 oz
Burnt Umber - 2 oz
Olive Green - 2 oz
Additional Supplies
Tool box
Grey Matters Paper Palette 12" x 16" (Links to an external site.): J Jack Richeson
GOLDEN White Gesso 16 oz or larger
RGM palette knife # 6
rags and solvent containers with lids (2)
Staedtler Pencil: 4B
Blue painters tape
Liquin Regular 250 ml
Oderless mineral spirits. (home depot)
Painting Surfaces -
You can always work larger if you would prefer.
American Lumber 9th St Modesto
Two masonite surfaces 16" x 20"
Two masonite surfaces. 18" x 24"
Found wood
shaped board
*** Scrap card board pencil
Containers (plastic or metal) - Free
(There is no text book for this course)
Brushes -purchase one of each kind. All brands carry these types.
Oil Brush, Angular #6 Oil Brush, Filbert #4 Synthetic Bristle # 16
Oval MOP brush 3/4” - 1" Oil and
Acrylic Brush, Round - # 4 - #2
Oil and Acrylic Brush, Flat #20
Oval MOP brush 3/4” -